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Showing posts from 2015

Globe lifestyle plan or else

This is another Globe Telecom​ rant. I called globe (yes, i still have to deal with them) earlier because i realized that i'm paying them a lot for the office globe phone and i don't get rebates. I know i'm out of contract so i should get rebates. They offer me their new lifestyle plan for 499. Neat right? Wrong. They will NOT give me rebates unless i pay an extra 100 to reach their 599 limit and the rebate they are giving is 125 pesos per month. So technically, they are just giving me 25 pesos rebate per month since we wont be using the extra 100 given that the office also has a sun line and a smart line. Worse, the agent says, the 2 lines of my in laws are out of contract too. I said, "Cool! How much rebate can they get per month?" I was then told that unless i convert those lines to the new plans, there will be no rebates. Even if the lines are used to the cost of thousands each month (by my in laws) they will not be given anything in return. I swear, they ...

Cherry Mobile battery replacement

Today, our secretary reported that the cherry mobile battery in one of our office phones. They called me while i was in greenhills shopping center. One would think that i can easily find a replacement battery in greenhills of all places. No, no battery in the shopping area, virra mall or even in the cherry mobile store in the theater mall. Yes, their store doesn't carry a battery. 

Gave up on globe

I was at globe Rockwell last sunday. I got my ticket 5:45PM. I was 8th in line according to the guy. I walked around and went back past 6pm. I asked and they told me I was 9th in line! What sorcery is this?! I decided to wait. A whole bunch of people were called but was not present. I checked with the guy my status and he said that I was next in line. I waited for the last person to finish then lo and behold, they call a different name! I check again with the guy and he tells me that I am now 4th. They don't list down numbers on the screens, just names. Screwed up. Very NOT SMART. People, I'm cancelling my globe number and switching to my smart. If you don't have my number that ends in 111118, please message me. Globe mobile Internet was so slow that I had to get wifi to send this to my FB account. I have been waiting over 2 hours now. This is the globe lifestyle and this is not for me.